With much of daily life now relegated to online activity, Li says it’s crucial to break up the monotony mentally as well as physically. It helps to stay motivated when you have a larger purpose guiding you.
They might be able to bring some fresh ideas to your resume and suggest edits to improve it. While sending a handwritten note is a nice thought, it takes much too long for the employer to receive it.
Finding and landing a job is never easy, but it can be especially difficult when living with depression. Li says it can be helpful to write out a list of the things you’re good at and display it as a reminder. Check in with friends and family about non-work-related things. “Being transparent about what you’re going through is helping another person,” she says. “Shift your mindset and know, it’s not about demonstrating weakness or like you’re being a burden. Everybody at some point has to figure out how to find a new job or negotiate your salary.”
When red flags signal exhaustion, frustration, or burnout, do yourself a favor and take a break! Hunting for a new position is similar to holding a job, as the process takes a great deal of time, energy, and focus.
Rhythmic exercise, where you move both your arms and legs, is a hugely effective way to lift your mood, increase energy, sharpen focus, and relax both the mind and body. Try walking, running, weight training, swimming, martial arts, or even dancing.
If you’re not having much luck with your job search, it may be time to buckle down and get more serious. It’s important not to take the results of your job search and any subsequent rejection personally. Follow these steps in order, and you’ll start to see the light at the end of the job search tunnel. If there’s any good news here besides the fact that you’re not alone, it’s that you can remedy this unpleasant situation with a few easy tips. You may even start to feel like a failure the longer your job search goes on. If you’ve ever felt sad, anxious, hopeless, defeated, or even depressed about your job search, you’re not alone.
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Find hobbies and activities that allow you to decompress and get your mind off of the job search. You can read, do a little yoga, some push-ups, sit-ups, jogging in place, walk around the block or any other activities that you like.
If you’re having trouble following through with these self-help tips to cope with job loss and unemployment stress, HelpGuide’s free Emotional Intelligence Toolkit can help. By learning to manage troublesome thoughts, stress, and difficult emotions you’ll find it easier to follow through on positive intentions and regain control of your job search. Your support system can help lift you up when you’re feeling defeated. They are your shoulder to lean on, but also your distraction can’t find job depressed from the overwhelming parts of this process. So turn to them when you need to talk things out before an interview or cry about a hard-hitting rejection and when you want to have dinner and forget all about jobs. A positive mindset helps you embrace your imperfections despite your job hunting depression. Embracing your flaws can lead to feelings of personal satisfaction and success, rather than feelings of failure if you don’t achieve something perfectly.